Saturday, January 8, 2011

conflicts in love.

it's been a while i've note down something in here. i just don't know what i should write in here. sometimes,i was thinking, why do i even have a blog. why bother. i already have one. 

talking about the conflicts of love rite now. i would like to share some story, what love can do to us. some even say, love kills. 

someone who i knew, really had a strong heart. even she has been left, for no reason, she could still barely stand still. i wondered myself, what if i was at her place. what if, someone who i had given my whole heart to, break it as if, my heart was just a toy. i don't think i could actually be as strong as what she had gone through. U rite there! i really do respect u on how u handle stuff. even, she pretend as if she had move on with her life, which she is actually not, i still respect on what she's doing. great job!

well, in this case, it shows that, love don't kill.

as for me, i went through quite a harsh time. as we all know, guys are not good in understanding the girls, right. well, that happens on me. for them, our smile is just a smile. n our silence was just a silence for them. we pretend as if nothing happen, but actually lots had happen. ~sigh.

craps i'm doing rite now. c ya.